Before Vacation
Tainted Milk 2010-2011"better empty than poisoned" rbcdWhy: To remove an obsessive thought that brings no relief; a thought that seems to be true but is subtly wrong, like tainted milk that seems to nourish but slowly poisons.

'Before Vacation' shown below was made with burn cards created and stamped after the original was burned. On the back of each burn card is stamped the burn date. The cards are mounted on a piece that has been painted over and destroyed.
Tainted Milk 2010-2011
"better empty than poisoned" rbcd
Why: To remove an obsessive thought that brings no relief; a thought that seems to be true but is subtly wrong, like tainted milk that seems to nourish but slowly poisons.
How: Take the thought, write it on a slip of paper, seal it with a nipple print (silly but effective) and anonymously submit it to the project.
· An empty space inside.
· Before burning the original, I created a burn card to act as a vaccine or warning
· The burning was photographed, and prints made as proof of destruction.
· After burning, the ashes were placed in an urn.
Participation was roughly equal between men and women.
destroyed 4-28-2024