'Change Tree (make or take)' at Pride 2022

Maria and I developed the idea, gave it a try in Hillcrest and then put it up at Art of Pride 2022. People wrote notes, took pennys, and then posted on the tree. Money (and notes) flowed on and off the tree for two days leaving about $25 extra.

'Change Tree (make or take)' at Pride 2022
'Change Tree' at the 2022 Art of Pride
Interactive - rbcdart
Often at a show, pop-up, of festival I do something interactive. This tends to make things more interesting for me and the people walking by. Sometimes I set up odd situations like brushing teeth or begging. Often I am taking pictures and handing out prints. Sometimes people also sign model rele…

Maria and I got to talking.  We developed the idea, gave it a try in Hillcrest and after success there we put it up at Art of Pride 2022.  The 'Penny for your thoughts' feature (Maria's baby) took off at Pride. People wrote notes, took pennys, and then posted on the tree.   Money (and notes) flowed on and off the tree for two days leaving about $25 extra.  This is due to a donation by Fred Marinello of $42.  Without Fred we would have been about $18 shy of what we originally put on the tree ($60).  The extra $25 is being kept with the tree to seed a future effort or act as change in a closing bit with the comments.   We have no measure of how much change flowed off and on the tree.  It was very popular and there was a lot of activity.  It seems, change flowing from those with a little extra to those with a little less is natural and happens easily.

The notes people left were stunning, supportive, and full of love.  Not one trollish comment in two days of 'write whatever you like.'  SD Pride 2022 was truly a place to give support, heal, be supported, see people at their best, and have a blast.

I hi-res scanned the comments, they are below.  They often threw in some change...