Aja Cutting Scar (post divorce), 12-15-2018


Aja Cutting Scar (post divorce), 12-15-2018
just the scar and tattoo

I was taking pictures of people in room 110 of the Hotel/Motel Unofficial Art Fair at the Lafayette Hotel in 2018.  Here Aja is showing her self inflicted cutting scar(s) done just after her divorce.

Unofficial Art Fair (Lafayette) - museo de rbcdart
I was invited to the both fairs by Eric Wong on Larry Caveney’s recommendation. I thought they and the fairs were both brilliant and have generated a lot of work out of the pictures taken. I also started Patreon at the 2018 Unofficial Art Fair.

I was taking pictures of people in room 110 of the Hotel/Motel Unofficial Art Fair at the Lafayette Hotel in 2018.  Here Aja is showing her self inflicted cutting scar done just after her divorce.