
The darkspace goes all the way back to college where I did an etching on what was going on in my head. The first Darkspace was with Sherrill in Santa Barbara, the next one on Marengo where we painted a garage black and Maria built me a dark room for developing images. The third was on Jackie Dr.

attack of the cash register cord with EGeb and Richard ChauDavis
DarkSpace - rbcdart
The DarkSpace goes all the way back to college days and 3 or so decades after. I painted 2 garages black, created little dark spaces. It involved blurry pictures, getting the split minute instead of the split second. The trolls and angels we occasionally see in the corner of our eye.

The darkspace goes all the way back to college where I did an etching on what was going on in my head.  The first Darkspace was with Penelope in Santa Barbara, the next one on Marengo where we painted a garage black and Maria built me a dark room for developing images.  The third was on Jackie Dr.  The images are purposely blurry.  In the beginning I was trying to capture a sense of a small private space.  This morphed into looking for blurry images that suggest a story.  We are talking years and years.  The DarkSpace had several stars like myself, Penelope, Georgia, EGeb, Ano, Kay...  Debra helped me with a portable DarkSpace shoot at one point. as time went on The DarkSpace became more sexual...