Art Cards by Richard, 5-16-2019
rock bottom pricing for booth

Okay, okay I am settling down. At one point I was putting borders on everything, varnishing some and not others... charging the same for prints as multimedia pieces... phew. (updated)
Limited Edition: Going forward means a straight as good as I can make it limited edition print. I am not going to varnish or acrylic edge these for two reasons; one, I have a very good printer and I like the results without varnishing; two, latter on when I want to use them as underprints it is much easier. $10-15
Original: These are one of a kind multimedia art cards. Lot of sweat and tears, $10-15 ea.
Series: Generally, a run of multimedia art cards that all have the same underprint. Each one is an original but is also part of a numbered series. $10-15
Magnets: Actually made from a limited edition, original, or series but with a magnetic backing and clear cover. $6 for small, $10 for large.
Below are booth signs: