By Richard Baer ChauDavis in Ray St / NP Nights — Jan 9, 2010 Alley Dash, 01-09-2010 white balance was set by the splash of white on the wall close up Ray St / NP Nights - museo de rbcdartAt one time there were quite a few galleries on Ray St. giving birth to Ray at Night... ah well. I had fun with Hank doing my blurry picture thing. He played assistant and sold his work on the side. He latter ran a pop-up gallery during Ray at Night. Historical Daily posts for Ray at Night will…museo de rbcdartJust a nice person wandering by who agreed to be photographed in an alley and in a blurry manner
Mirror Rag Mask and Mirror, 06-16-2024 A gentleman's observations during OMA's monthly gathering helped me finish this