By Richard Baer ChauDavis in Hillcrest Walk in Art — May 6, 2021 Christopher Davis at Walk in A.R.T. (5-6-2021) member of the crew Christopher face Hillcrest Walk in Art - museo de rbcdartI participated in many of the Hillcrest’s Walk in Art pop-ups. Over time it was managed by several different people for the Hillcrest Business Association. While they had great ideas... First I was a guest where I setting up without a booth, taking pictures of people. Giving out photo magnets of…museo de rbcdartDramatic poses and moves with the coffee can! Nearly everything went wrong in this shoot but it worked out. Christopher was certainly a lot of fun to work with.
Mirror Rag Mask and Mirror, 06-16-2024 A gentleman's observations during OMA's monthly gathering helped me finish this