SBs Coal Worthy Confession, 12-15-2018

involved a fire...

SBs Coal Worthy Confession, 12-15-2018
close up
Unofficial Art Fair (Lafayette) - museo de rbcdart
I was invited to the both fairs by Eric Wong on Larry Caveney’s recommendation. I thought they and the fairs were both brilliant and have generated a lot of work out of the pictures taken. I also started Patreon at the 2018 Unofficial Art Fair.

Larry Caveney came up with the idea of Confessing to Bad Santa.  He promoted it at the fair but was unable to be there when he had scheduled it.  Larry turned it over to me.  Stephanie (confessing) and I (bad Santa) gave it a shot.  Maria took pictures as Stephanie sat on my lap in the bathroom of room 110 (on the toilet).  She confessed a very interesting story.  She earned her coal...